Serving the Twelve Step Community for almost 60 years,

Malvern Center is a privately held 501(c)3 nonprofit that hosts Twelve Step and other recovery meetings. It’s supported by group rents, meeting collections, and memberships. Malvern Center is home for both in-person and virtual meetings. See our Calendar for details. The public is welcome to attend most meetings held at the Center. If you aren’t sure, ask the meeting chairperson if the meeting is open or closed.
For the most up-to-date event information see our Facebook page.
Tax deductible Memberships are available. Click “Membership” above and join now. Or make a one-time donation.
Malvern Center is sometimes mistaken for a facility to host religious retreats. If you are looking for space for a retreat, a more appropriate choice may be Malvern Retreat House.
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